Home Dollars & Sense Lease, Buy or Subscribe – How to Get the Best Deal on Your Next Personal Car

Lease, Buy or Subscribe – How to Get the Best Deal on Your Next Personal Car

By carbar on the February 5, 2020

3 minutes

If you’re in the market for your next car, it pays to shop around, and not just between sellers.  A huge range of services have entered...

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If you’re in the market for your next car, it pays to shop around, and not just between sellers. 

A huge range of services have entered the market offering drivers real choice in how they drive. Between leasing, buying and subscribing, there have never been more ways for Australians to get behind the wheel of a new vehicle. Each option offers different things for different drivers, so it’s important you stay across all the latest developments to get the best fit for your lifestyle. 

At Carbar, we’re all about helping savvy drivers enjoy both financial stability and flexibility in their ride. Join us as we take a deep dive into the three most common ways you can get your own car. 

Why buying a car may not be best option

Everyone wants to own their own car, but have you ever really sat down and considered whether it’s the right choice for you? 

Even after you’ve run the gauntlet at the dealership or gone through the frustrating process of zeroing in on a private seller, the ordeal isn’t over. You’ll need to pay stamp duty and potentially dealer delivery fees just to get it on the road for the first time. After that, there’s the ongoing and relentless costs of servicing the car, keeping it registered and staying insured, all adding up to thousands of dollars in running costs each year. Surely there’s a better way to keep yourself moving, without costing an arm and a leg. 

What about a novated lease? 

Novated leases are a popular choice for drivers, but they have their downsides. As they’re paid for partially out of your pre-tax income, they require an employer who’s willing to assume the lease obligations on your behalf and package your salary in the right way. This can get complicated when you change jobs and are still on the lease. With lease periods as long as three to five years, it’s more likely than not that you’ll find a new role during this period – will your new boss be happy to take over the lease?  If not, you might get stuck servicing the lease obligations with your post-tax income, cutting out the biggest benefit of a novated lease. 

Additionally, they can complicate an otherwise easy tax return, making the end of the financial year just that little bit more stressful, all the while not being as competitive as you might think. Many personal car lease providers offer deals starting at around $200 per week, far more than you might expect for the trouble. 

Car subscription – one of the best deals a driver can get 

Want the flexibility of owning your own car with the affordability of a lease? Of course you do. 

Car subscriptions are the new way to drive. For as little as $129 per week, you’ll get exclusive access to the personal car of your choice without the lock-in period, but all the perks of a lease. Even better, we don’t lock you into a car or a contract. Whether you’ve got a new family member on the way, a new job on the line, you’re moving out of town, we understand that life happens. Change vehicles as many times as you like or cancel your subscription outright with just two weeks’ notice. 

Best of all, your weekly subscription bundles registration, insurance, servicing and roadside assistance, potentially saving you thousands each year. That means no more renewal notices, no more comparing insurance plans and no more trying to find a reliable mechanic – we take care of all of that for you, and at a fraction of the cost you’d pay. All you have to worry about is keeping the tank fuelled and planning your next adventure. 

Learn more about car subscription, browse our range of vehicles or join for free, visit carbar.com.au today. 

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